When I started my research into my mother’s maiden name of Homfray, I soon realised that the all the photocopies and initial notes that I was starting to gather, would likely continue to multiply as I followed up the many leads I was uncovering. This quickly and dramatically proved to be the case, and in an attempt to reduce the paper mountain that was taking over my home, I determined to collate my findings into a written form as I went along.
Interested relatives and the others who read my ongoing notes encouraged me to put them into a more readable form, and after many experimental drafts I hope that is what I have achieved. Up to to the current date I consider it to be fairly complete, but further discoveries may call for additions. Now that the website is active I have included the narrative in a section of it. I realise that reading from a screen can be a little tedious, and so if anyone would prefer a paper copy to read, then please message me on the contact form.